Friday, February 13, 2015


Hi, y'all.  Since I'm no good at just writing without knowing what I'm saying, I'll just get straight to it:

I have a lot of opinions and I love to write, so I figured why not start a blog? :) Then of course I was posed with the question: How do I start?

Well, I sat on that for a couple days, until tonight when I saw "Fifty Shades of Grey". (Great movie, by the way. If you're not too shy about that kind of thing, go see it. It's excellent.) Needless to say, as soon as I get back, I made a beeline for my copy of the Fifty Shades of Grey book that I'm still reading--oops, >-<U , #myb--only to get distracted by a post on Tumblr before I can pick it up.

I tried to read, but with the post brewing in my mind, I just couldn't let it go. So I wrote out some obnoxiously long reply that by the end of, I decided it wasn't okay to post it like that.

So I'm posting it here as my first blog post. \(^o^)/

I do apologize for those of you who are not "Fifty Shades of Grey" fans or who are just not comfortable with it at all. If me talking about it is going to upset you, don't read it. I promise it won't hurt my feelings. And I also promise that this blog won't usually be like this. I just had a big opinion about it and had to put it somewhere.

Anyway, thank you for welcoming this obnoxiously-opinionated girl aboard. I promise I'll post something real very soon. :)

                  -- KGratiaM

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