Wednesday, April 29, 2015

29 April 2015 Journal Entry

Dear Diary,

I'm typing it here just because I don't have my journal, but I refuse to let this stuff go. I've been extremely bad about it through finals, but now that I'm in Valdosta again, I want this stuff written down.

The blog post "Grassy Seats" on here was posted by me earlier when I was sitting on the front lawn. It shouldn't bother me as much as it does, but the fact that I can't sit in the grass anywhere at West GA without getting cozy with the anthills makes me nuts. It drives me absolutely insane. If a university is going to have a designated area for students to hang out and study, then they need to keep it up and treated. I'm sorry. I'm for pro-insect-life as much as the next girl, but this is ridiculous. Either do it or do not, but that weird middle ground just doesn't work.

So I went and sat against a palm tree while Dez was in class. And it was heaven. It was one of those things that just makes everything else betterand it was already a good day.

I've actually been extremely excited about getting down here. I don't know if I wanted to see Dez or if I'm just so bored at West GA, I have been bouncing off the walls for the past two weeks dying to get down here. (Granted, I do think part of that was the hope to see Will. Which I'm totally jinxing by saying.)

The other thing that shouldn't bother me but does is the mascots. At West GA, I'm a wolf. I'm a part of a pack. Valdosta used to be a fire salamander. No, now I'd be the fireball that comes out of the fire salamander. I mean, c'mon. How are you supposed to show school spirit when you're something a fire salamander spit up?

(Same thing with the Greek houses. It drives me up the wall that the Valdosta sororities aren't allowed to live in houses together. That just seems like part of the community of Greek. But it also bugs me that West GA has voted against a Greek Village to make room for desperately needed parking. We need the parking and the Greeks could really do with some bigger houses. But moving on.)

I met Desiree's Littles today: Mollee and Courtney. Mollee, I like. A lot. She's hilarious. She's very Desiree. I can see how they mesh. Courtney I had some trouble with. She's quieter and so opposite from Mollee. Part of me thinks the only reason Desiree gets along with her is for the cupcakeswhich is a terrible thing to think, especially of Dez, but I did not like that other Little. That said, I do know Courtney's been sick and not feeling well when we went to lunch, so that might have been part of it.

I did run into Austin Kile at lunch. OMG, he looked like Abraham Lincoln. He was all dressed up for some speech and he had grown out his beard so that he really looked like the man's doppelganger. It was pretty hilarious. I have to try to grab a photo of that before I leave to send to Mary. She'll just die.

And I'm going to drag Clifton out of bed to say hi to me at least once on this trip, so that's handled.

And, OMG, Kat met up with us for dinner and I met her boyfriend! Dez doesn't seem to like him. Apparently, he's a big pot smoker and she's gotten phone calls in the middle of the night from Kat saying he's hit her and hurt their dog (this adorable pointer/Dane mix, Nala). I didn't get a bad vibe from him, but he also didn't interact with us much. Apparently though, Kat has dropped out of school and now lives with her nine-month boyfriend (who she's only been dating for nine months).

I did actually go over to their place for a little while to visit the puppy. Tyler stepped out for a couple minutes, and Kat and I got to talking. Apparently, she and Tyler had sex before they were even togetherwhich wouldn't surprise me with anyone else, but Kat? That threw me for a spin. And she was all shocked that I haven't slept with anyone yet.

I actually texted Austin Ford today, too, and our conversation seemed to revolve around his sex life. The poor kid has had the worst luck with girls. He was in a committed relationship with a girl for six months, but then she broke it off for some stupid reason. And now he's slept with five other girls this term, one of which only used him for his body. I wanted to strangle her when I heard, but I knew saying so wouldn't help him.

He's actually taking it all really well. It makes me feel better about the whole thing. I just hope he finds a girl who will actually care about him and his feelings.

Anyway, I am glad to hear from him, even if the subject sucked.


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