Monday, August 17, 2015

Back in School Again -- Why?

Monday, August 17, 2015
UWG - Carrollton, GA
Dear Diary,
Today totally wasn't move-in, but it's when I finally got my butt over here. I actually drove the hour and a half all by myself. Like, with no one else in the car. I was all on my lonesome in the gold car--"The Golden Bullet", as Kyle calls it--and I made it without much of a problem. Any issues were navigation related, and the fact that my GPS waits so long before it tells you to turn.
I did learn a few things about the path, though.
I bad-mouth the gold car, but he's actually not so bad. I don't mind it so much. It just rides so low.
Anyway, I'm tired, so moving on.
Rush. Today was just Rho Gam Meet-&-Greet and Orientation, which of course I pretty much have memorized by now. (I've been through the process enough times.) But I wanted to go through it one more time since it's the last year I can. It's just another audition. If I get in, fantastic. If I don't, it's one less thing to deal with this term.
           SIDEBAR: I do need to remember to go introduce myself to the new TD.
I love Mary's and my housemates. I guess there's only two: a Phi Mu, Laura-Ashley (who's also Exec. Panhellenic), and a Kappa Delta, Gabby. Gabby and I actually recognized each other from Chorus last year, though it did take us a while to get around to that conclusion. They should be fun.
I don't know why I agreed to watch American Horror Story, though.
I think it was because I want Mary to watch Supernatural.
I gotta fix that.
Went to a super late dinner with Olivia, too. Though, things seem to be difficult on the housing frontier for her and Katie. Fingers-crossed that that gets better.
Anyway, I'm going to bed now. Zzz-quil kicking in.
                    -- KG

Sunday, August 9, 2015


Sunday, August 9, 2015
3:52pm, Wilmington International Airport
What if there was a taxi service that wasn't really a "taxi service"? What if there was one that was clean? Punctual? Sleazy-free? Well, there is! Welcome to Uber.
I know I sound like some ridiculous TV advertisement, but I'm actually super impressed with this "taxi service". I almost want to call it a "cabbie service"--which is what it's called in London--just because it lived up, and even exceeded those standards.
Uber is an app that calls personal drivers to take you wherever you need to go. And yes, I know how that sounds. And I have no sympathy. I had never heard of Uber until this weekend, when I needed a way to get to the airport while everyone else was busy. I don't like taxis; I don't trust taxis, but Beca told me about Uber.
Now, when she introduced it to me, she said it was an app that called "strangers to come and drive you around". Like strangers right off the street. I could not understand why anyone would be stupid enough to try that. And over the course of the weekend, other people talked about Uber, too, like it was a god-send. I honestly thought, on multiple occasions, "Am I surrounded by idiots?"
But, earlier this morning, Nikki told me what it really was about. And it is like a high-end, personal driving service.
(Here's how it works:
  • About twenty minutes before you have to leave, you set your destination into the app and a driver is called to pick you up.
  • There is a map on the app that tracks your location, and you can physically watch the car on the map drive to meet you. (I think that's my favorite part.)
  • The app gives you the license plate and type of car that is coming for you. (That is very handy. Especially when you're leaving from a convention center in the middle of One Tree Hill Con.)
  • And then, of course, just to make sure you know, the driver calls you when he arrives.
I had some sort of black Kia, but it was super clean and spacious. The driver was very talkative, which I have to assume is unique to the person, but while I usually don't like talking in taxis, I rather enjoyed that ten-minute conversation.
Though I had a short trip, I have been completely turned-on to Uber. I am totally keeping that app (which is free, by the way). I swear to god, I am never using a taxi ever again.
                               -- KG