Monday, August 17, 2015

Back in School Again -- Why?

Monday, August 17, 2015
UWG - Carrollton, GA
Dear Diary,
Today totally wasn't move-in, but it's when I finally got my butt over here. I actually drove the hour and a half all by myself. Like, with no one else in the car. I was all on my lonesome in the gold car--"The Golden Bullet", as Kyle calls it--and I made it without much of a problem. Any issues were navigation related, and the fact that my GPS waits so long before it tells you to turn.
I did learn a few things about the path, though.
I bad-mouth the gold car, but he's actually not so bad. I don't mind it so much. It just rides so low.
Anyway, I'm tired, so moving on.
Rush. Today was just Rho Gam Meet-&-Greet and Orientation, which of course I pretty much have memorized by now. (I've been through the process enough times.) But I wanted to go through it one more time since it's the last year I can. It's just another audition. If I get in, fantastic. If I don't, it's one less thing to deal with this term.
           SIDEBAR: I do need to remember to go introduce myself to the new TD.
I love Mary's and my housemates. I guess there's only two: a Phi Mu, Laura-Ashley (who's also Exec. Panhellenic), and a Kappa Delta, Gabby. Gabby and I actually recognized each other from Chorus last year, though it did take us a while to get around to that conclusion. They should be fun.
I don't know why I agreed to watch American Horror Story, though.
I think it was because I want Mary to watch Supernatural.
I gotta fix that.
Went to a super late dinner with Olivia, too. Though, things seem to be difficult on the housing frontier for her and Katie. Fingers-crossed that that gets better.
Anyway, I'm going to bed now. Zzz-quil kicking in.
                    -- KG

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