Friday, March 20, 2015

Family Trees

To say that I have an addiction to would be a understatement. Not only have I quite literally raided my relatives genealogy stashes out from under them for years, I just spent five and a half hours straight sifting through tree matches--and enjoying myself.

It isn't until I looked up and realized the clock read 3:29am that I understand why I suddenly feel so sore. Both the dog and the cat are passed out next to me, and all the humans have long-since gone to bed. And here I am with my book off to the side of my computer, ready for a read when I finally shut this thing off and go upstairs.

(And the saddest part about all of this is I still will read once I get upstairs--even though it's now...3:50am.)
(It's a good book! Leave me alone.)
Not to say I didn't get plenty of great information out of merging the trees on I've always kind of liked the trees better than flicking through the other files. That said, I love the old script--back when kindergarteners were still taught how to write and not just how to type. (Whatever makes me think I'll be able to stand the lack of pens when I'm a teacher, I don't even know. Now makes me want to bang my head against a wall.)
And, yes, okay. The trees are kind of cheating, as they're already somewhat put together. But I think my favorite part is when I suddenly end up with an extra sibling I didn't know about.
Especially when there's already thirteen others I did know about.
But, yes. I do enjoy myself. Something about the organizing of information keeps my brain in a mellow mood. It's kind of my personal therapy, which I guess is why I never minded being switched for filing duty during high school. Or why I spend entire nights catching up on my Tumblr tags and relabeling everything I've already posted. (Which, of course, I will be putting off another day because it's 4:10am and I'm exhausted.)
And then my eyes flick to my book. Will I read or won't I? That is the question.
And I'm pretty sure we all know the answer to that...
                             — KGratiaM


Below is the cover and the Goodreads link to the book I'm so obsessed with. I've never really been a Nicholas Sparks fan, but for whatever reason, I got sucked into this one and I cannot put it down. Britt Robertson is starring in the movie that is coming out...I think, April?

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