Saturday, July 25, 2015

Nerd Camp 2015 - Day Seven

Saturday, July 25, 2015
Dear Diary,
One week down, one to go. That's mind-boggling. It feels like I've been here forever, but like that can't possibly add up to a week. This is going to be short, however, because I get to sleep in again tomorrow. (Which is fantastic.)
So, anyway, Madeline left earlier today. She has been saying that all week, but I'm still proud of her for sticking it out for the first half. Especially since it sounds like she might have Asperger's.
(OMG, sidebar: I found out a couple weeks ago that Raven has been diagnosed with the same thing. Which explains a lot, but still.) 
Also, Noa, now has some sort of hive-y rash / bites all over her skin. They started on her legs about two hours ago, and they've only spread. Bennett basically said to try to get her to sleep, but if she asks to go to the Emergency Room, we'll take her. Last time I heard, she's sleeping on the floor of her bathroom to keep the sheets from irritating her legs.
On a brighter note, we're going to Barnes&Noble tomorrow, and then the kids have Creative Group Time (CGT) tomorrow night. So, yay! Time away from the kids. I'm literally about to start snapping necks if we have another night like tonight with everyone talking over each other--and us--during the Trivia Crack game (which Alex corrupted me to this morning). We actually plan on doing a fandom version later in the week, but I'm seriously not kidding. If my kids get wild again, *whistles*. I actually had an RA Meeting with my kids tonight over it all. I'm not having my girls act out. I'm not. I'm a patient person, but when you push me over my line...
[Chel's "It's not gonna be good" gif, The Road to El Dorado.]  
But both Alex's kid, Parker, and my Kaitlyn Dubey have had panic attacks in the past week due to this kind of thing, so that's so not happening again.
But, on that joyful note, it's 1:00am. I'm going to bed.
                           -- KG

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